Law Enforcement Operations Decoy (LOD)

The LOD Course areas of instruction include; confidence development, civil agitation, bite development, sleeve work, muzzle and suit work for adult dogs that have already had basic development/foundation work. It also covers equipment, safety considerations and training methodology. Training includes tactical targeting on both the upper and lower body, and developing the dog’s capabilities to effectively bite and fight in the operational environment. This includes, but is not limited to; building searches, area and field searching, inaccessible offenders, multiple offenders and working in proximity to other team members and K9 units.

The LOD program focuses on developing personnel to conduct both development and scenario based training that is focused towards effective operational performance. The LOD Course can be customised to meet individual agency roles and tasks: Law Enforcement, Military, Prisons, Security, etc.

The program also comprehensively covers OH & S considerations, functional exercise design and structured learning outcomes. This course is competency based and successful personnel will receive a certificate acknowledging those competencies and skill sets.

Duration: 5 days; or 4 days for personnel who have completed Working Dog Development Decoy program.

Note: Personnel will require some previous experience in K9 operations in order to complete this program (Refer to Additional Course Information).